Morning After
I forgot to bring my notebook (of all things) to the seminar, so I wasn't able to blog about it when it happened.
But trust some of our (power blogger) speakers like mr brown and Adrianna (popagandhi) to blog about it during the event (mr brown did it while waiting for his turn to speak; Adrianna did it right after her turn).
Some of the audience also blogged about it, like brennan who was giving a by-the-minute coverage of the event during the event, or Stallion, who gave a thoughtful review.
If that's not enough, Murray (the MC) also had something to say about the seminar.
Anyway, here are some pictures...
The first two speakers - Adrianna speaking while Wendy watches on:

mr brown blogging beside Daryl while Wendy and Adrianna are speaking:

Adrianna plugs, a metablog of Singapore blogs which all the invited speakers are involved in:

mr brown speaks while Daryl and Murray (the MC) listens:

A group photo - Daryl, Murray, Adrianna, mr brown, Wendy:

Update: There was a pastor in the audience as well, and he blogged about this.
Other members of the audience blogged about this, including Zhiyang
, Jay (part I & part II)
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